Integrate with Zaakpay
Zaakpay provides various methods of integration for Payment Gateway.
Start integrating Zaakpay Payment Gateway with your website, e-commerce business or mobile application.
We have various integration methods, which you can use and start accepting payments online through payment mode such as Credit/Debit Card, Netbanking, UPI, Wallet etc.
No Code Integration with Zaakpay!!!
We also have support for No-Code Zaakpay Payment Gateway Integration. Zaakpay has multiple solutions which allow you to use Payment Gateway and start accept payments online without integrating or writing any code.
Zaakpay Account
Before starting the integration, make sure you have a Zaakpay account. Once you have created the account, you can generate your Zaakpay unique merchant identifier and secret key from the Zaakpay dashboard.
Haven't created your account yet?
Please follow our Getting started guide.
Integration Methods
Zaakpay offers various methods to integrate the Payment Gateway such as Integration with APIs, E-commerce Plugin, Language Kits.
Integrate with APIs
Integration with APIs, Zaakpay provides 3 Payment flow to integrate the Payment Gateways through APIs.
Zaakpay Express Checkout
This is an integration that is based on the redirect flow mechanism of the Zaakpay where post clicking the pay button you will get redirected to the page made by Zaakpay and the complete control lies under Zaakpay.
- Interested : Visit at Zaakpay express checkout Documentaion.
Zaakpay Custom Checkout (TransactU)
Zaakpay custom checkout gives leverage to merchants to design their own UI for the checkout page and makes transactions on his/her website without any redirection to Zaakpay hosted Checkout page.
- Interested : Visit at Zaakpay custom checkout.
Custom Checkout Page Integration (TransactD)
Integrate this flow, It is a Client To Server Payment flow and Checkout Page will be of Merchant. There are two kinds of flow under this section.
- PCI-DSS certified merchants
- PCI-DSS non-certified merchants
Interested : Visit at Custom Checkout (Client To Server) Integration.
E-commerce Plugins
Zaakpay has multiple options that allow you to use Payment Gateway without writing any code. Pick your plugin and start using it in your E-commerce platforms.
Quick Integration : Language Kits
Zaakpay offers the platform based integration, which you can quickly use in your code based on the language. Pick your Kit and start using it in your code.
Mobile Android SDK Integration
Integrate Zaakpay SDK for Android. For more details about the Mobile App SDK Integration, please refer to this page.
Flutter Integration
Integrate Zaakpay with your flutter applications in order to get seamless transaction flow and uninterrupted payments, please refer to this page
Have Any Query?
Please reach out to our team at or Contact us for assistance with integration