Settlement API


Test Server:

Live Server:

Request Parameters

ParameterOptional O, Mandatory MValidationAllowed Values
utr_dateMdate of UTRvalid date
checksumMChecksum Calculated On All above request parameters

Response Parameters

partner_transaction_idMobiKwik Payment Gateway txn ID
client_transaction_idClient Transaction ID
txn_dateDate of the transaction
amountTxn amount in paisa,Integer
settlement_dateDate of the settlement
settlement_actionAction of the settlement (Refund)
transaction_utrUTR number for the transaction
settlement_amountsettlement Amount
arnReference Number

Sample Request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: 147c3efd-020b-4a0c-b36d-714541bac255' \
  -d '{ "merchantIdentifier":"b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973",
"checksum":"9bcb2f459ece11949c35aca8a52cf356c873e0d56c6d2da9e9776e2d0abd9ac4", "utr_date":"06-03-2019" }'

Request Checksum String: b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973,06-03-2019

  • Calculate the checksum using the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm on the concatenated string as data and your generated secret key.
  • The resulting checksum calculated should be posted to the Zaakpay Payment Gateway API along with other data.

Sample Response

    "report": [ 
            "partner_transaction_id": "ZP562fa81badde4", 
            "client_transaction_id": "ZTD3D-18-14DF6D95F5F", 
            "txn_date": "2018-01-17 20:59:01", 
            "amount": "318.90", 
            "settlement_date": "2018-01-22", 
            "settlement_action": "REFUND", 
            "transaction_utr": "CMS745287157", 
            "partner_service_fee": "0.0", 
            "partner_service_tax": "0.0", 
            "settlement_amount": "318.90", 
            "rrn": "", 
            "arn": "85215228021802487698337" 
            "partner_transaction_id": "ZP562fefd881409", 
            "client_transaction_id": "ZTD3D-18-71653171229", 
            "txn_date": "2018-01-18 02:19:58", 
            "amount": "169.58", 
            "settlement_date": "2018-01-22", 
            "settlement_action": "REFUND", 
            "transaction_utr": "CMS745287157", 
            "partner_service_fee": "0.0", 
            "partner_service_tax": "0.0", 
            "settlement_amount": "169.58", 
            "rrn": "", 
            "arn": "74766518021802480946445" 
    "responsecode": "100", 
    "responsedescription": "Successful" 

    "report": [ 
            "partner_transaction_id": "ZP562fa81badde4", 
            "client_transaction_id": "ZTD3D-18-14DF6D95F5F", 
            "txn_date": "2018-01-17 20:59:01", 
            "amount": "318.90", 
            "settlement_date": "2018-01-22", 
            "settlement_action": "REFUND", 
            "transaction_utr": "CMS745287157", 
            "partner_service_fee": "0.0", 
            "partner_service_tax": "0.0", 
            "settlement_amount": "318.90", 
            "rrn": "", 
            "arn": "85215228021802487698337" 
            "partner_transaction_id": "ZP562fefd881409", 
            "client_transaction_id": "ZTD3D-18-71653171229", 
            "txn_date": "2018-01-18 02:19:58", 
            "amount": "169.58", 
            "settlement_date": "2018-01-22", 
            "settlement_action": "REFUND", 
            "transaction_utr": "CMS745287157", 
            "partner_service_fee": "0.0", 
            "partner_service_tax": "0.0", 
            "settlement_amount": "169.58", 
            "rrn": "", 
            "arn": "74766518021802480946445" 
    "responsecode": "100", 
    "responsedescription": "Successful" 



  1. The API can be accesed twice in 1 hour. In case you have exhausted this limit
    then you will to wait for the next cycle.
  2. One day report can be generated in one hit of API.
  3. Date format should be dd-MM-yyyy
  4. Checksum should be calculated using secret key on parameters
    “merchantIdentifier,utr_date”. Make sure the parameters are separated using
    comma. No need to use “” inverted commas while calculating checksum.