Integration FAQs
Frequently asked questions around Zaakpay Integration
1. We are not able to complete test transaction after integration. Getting error "182 Merchant Data not complete in our database". What needs to be done to fix this?
To resolve this error please follow the below steps:
- Login to your Zaakpay account
- Go to Developers tab > Select "Customize your Integration" > Click on "URLs"
- Fill in "Domain Name" and "Transaction API return URL"
- Save the data
Now, Initiate new test transaction
2. Getting "404 error" while doing test transaction on Live Environment.
To resolve this error please check following points:
- Connect with your Zaakpay Business Partner to check if your account is live or not.
- If it is Live then please follow below step:
- Login to your Zaakpay account
- Go to Developers tab > Select "Customize your Integration" > Click on "URLs"
- Fill in "Domain Name" and "Transaction API return URL"
- Save the data
3. What is the value of "IP" in Checksum String for Android SDK Integration
In Android SDK, IP is the buyer’s device IP address, which is captured by Zaakpay/merchant. It is used in the Checksum Calculation.
4. Can we integrate Zaakpay in iOS?
Yes, You can integrate Zaakpay in iOS through APIs. Please refer to our Zaakpay Integration Page.
5. We are using Zaakpay PHP kit, while initiating the transaction, it is redirected to Staging Environment. What needs to be done to do test transaction on Live Environment?
To change the Environment in PHP kit, You need to go to Zaakpay_PHP_Integration_Kit/src/resources/Config.php. In Config.php, you can configure Live URL as and if you have configured the Live URL, then make sure that have placed your live merchantIdentifier and secretKey in the same file.
6. Getting “Transaction Amount not in specified amount range.” Why am I getting this error and how to rectify it?
Transaction amount limit is configured from Zaakpay dashboard. Merchant can increase or decrease it from Merchant’s Zaakpay Dashboard. If a merchant is trying to do a transaction of an amount which does not fall in the defined transaction amount limit, then in such case it will give you the above mentioned error.
Updated about 3 years ago