Transaction Split Payment

Merchant can use transaction Split API to split the payment between two or more merchants so that payout could happen in the respective merchant's account without any hassle. Transaction Split Payments are available only in our Redirect Flow.
To use split functionality, all merchants need to be onboarded on Zaakpay and should have their own credentials.

There can be only one main Merchant and multiple sub Merchants. Transaction will happen from the master Merchant and needs to be split into multiple non-master Merchants. Payouts will happen directly to accounts linked with non-master Merchants on Zaakpay.


Master Merchant can see the transaction in the Zaakpay dashboard in the Transactions Detail Panel.
Payout Data can be seen in the respective Payout Panel in the dashboard.

There are 2 steps to initiate a transaction Split API.

Step 1: Token generation for Split Payment

Test Server

Live Server

{SERVER} api / payment/v1/initiate

Request Parameters

ParameterTypeOptional/ MandatoryValidationAllowed Values
merchantIdentifierStringMalphanumericZaakpay’s unique identifier for your website.
orderIdStringMmax 40 alphanumeric,must be unique per website, we do not accept duplicate
**Advice: Orderid should be an alphanumeric value eg: ZAAK20170421
Your unique transaction
returnUrlStringOThis must be the domain(or a sub- domain of it) you saved under My Account>IntegrationUrl where you want MobiKwik Payment Gateway to post the response
showMobileStringOfalse:We show the full-fledged version unconditionally. DETECT:We
do detection of the user Agent of the browser from which the request is sent & route accordingly. true:We show the mobile page unconditionally. missing/not
sent: Same as DETECT (i.e. We do detection at our
end ).
Only allowed value is “true” if you want MobiKwik
Payment Gateway to
represent mobile view
MobiKwik Payment Gateway will show the tab on the payment page which corresponds to the txnType
you provide
11 - CARD
14 - UPI
15 - CCONLY -
Only allow
Credit Cards
16 - DCONLY -
Only allow
Debit Cards
17 - EZEClick
18 - ATM+PIN
19 - MasterPass
20 - EMI
zpPayOptionStringOWhich MobiKwik
Payment Gateway option have you used for this transaction. 1 digit only, numeric Default value is 1.
0 = on_zaakpay,
1 = button_redirect,
2 = widget_redirect,
3 = api
modeStringO1 digit only, numeric1 = Domain check,
0 = Domain check skip
amountStringMValue in paisa. Min 100 paise Max 10000000. Amount limit saved under
Transaction Limit in your Zaakpay panel.
merchantIpAddressStringObuyer’s IP address as recorded by your website
purposeStringOMin and max numeric 1 digit.
You must specify the purpose of the transaction
0 = Service,
1 = Goods,
2 = Auction,
3 = Other
txnDateStringOTransaction date in yyyy-mm-dd format2020-10-09
productInfoStringOTo show order details with Offers on MobiKwik Payment Gateway Payment Page.productInfo=
"customizationField":"Cashback" , "listProduct":
[ "description" :"Apollo Health Insurance",
"cost":"Rs. 80,000.00",
ue":"Rs. 8,123.00" ],
"terms":"Cashback will get credited in MobiKwik
buyerEmailStringMvalid email address of the
buyerPhoneNumberStringObuyer’s landline or mobile phone number, numeric only, no dashes,no spaceseg.1234567789
productDescriptionStringOText description of what you are selling. At Least 1 product description is mandatory to show in the
bill on payment page. free text alphanumeric 100 max
e.g. name of book, name
of mobile etc. e.g. Rs 199
Godzilla Movie DVD
merchantAmountStringMamount to be split for each merchant in paisa
isMasterMerchantBooleanMtrue for master , false for submerchantstrue/false

Response Parameters

successIf all goes right, it will
return true else false.
statusCodeAll valid HTTP status codes, Ex: 404, 503,401,etc
dataData will be received in JSON format:

Sample Request

Method : POST

Header :  X-API-KEY

Body :

  "merchantIdentifier": "b6415a6443604ec59644a70c8b25a0f6",
  "orderId": "ZPLive1597143965280",
  "returnUrl": "",
  "showMobile": "DETECT",
  "txnType": "1",
  "zpPayOption": "1",
  "mode": "0",
  "currency": "INR",
  "amount": "1463",
  "merchantIpAddress": "",
  "purpose": "1",
  "txnDate": "2020-08-11",
  "productInfo": "",
  "productDescription": "Zaakpay subscription fee"
  "billingAddress": {
 	"buyerEmail": "",
  	"buyerPhoneNumber": ""
  "splitDetails": [
"merchantIdentifier": "b6415a6443604ec59644a70c8b25a0f6",
      	"merchantAmount": "1000",
      	“isMasterMerchant”: true
      		"merchantIdentifier": "b6415a6443604ec59644a70c8b25a0f5",
      		"merchantAmount": "463",
      		“isMasterMerchant”: false
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: 5d5adbadf57246b1925a9afca08c05fa' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "merchantIdentifier": "b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973",
    "orderId": "daksh0014",
    "returnUrl": "",
    "showMobile": "",
    "txnType": "",
    "zpPayOption": "",
    "mode": "",
    "currency": "INR",
    "amount": "1463",
    "merchantIpAddress": "",
    "purpose": "",
    "txnDate": "",
    "productInfo": "",
    "billingAddress": {
        "buyerEmail": "",
        "buyerPhoneNumber": ""
    "productDescription": "abc",
    "splitDetails": [
            "merchantIdentifier": "b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973",
            "merchantAmount": "0",
            "isMasterMerchant": true
            "merchantIdentifier": "b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973",
            "merchantAmount": "463",
            "isMasterMerchant": false
            "merchantIdentifier": "b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973",
            "merchantAmount": "1000",
            "isMasterMerchant": false
   "success": true,
   "message": {
       "code": "1001",
       "text": "Success"
   "data": {
       "token": "ZGFrc2gwMDE0NWMyZjE4NjQtOWYwOC00YWY3LTkx"
   "success": false,
   "message": {
       "code": "129",
       "text": "OrderId field missing or blank."

Step 2: API for Initiating Split Payment Page

Use token received from Step 1(API For Initiating Payment) in this request. This is a GET API and this API will redirect the user to Zaakpay Payment Page.

Test Server

Live Server

Sample Request

Method : GET

Response: Payment Page

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: 5d5adbadf57246b1925a9afca08c05fad04'

Server to Server Callback Response

For Success

  "merchantIdentifier": "b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973",
  "txns": [
      "amount": "10500",
      "pgTransId": "ZP91569b1b6526",
      "orderId": "de9c2c082be802cfc833",
      "paymentMode": "Debit Card",
      "cardScheme": "Visa",
      "product3Description": "NA",
      "cardToken": "4012 XXXX XXXX 1881",
      "responseCode": "100",
      "bank": "NA",
      "bankid": "NA",
      "doRedirect": "false",
      "product1Description": "NA",
      "product4Description": "NA",
      "responseDescription": "The transaction was completed successfully. ",
      "cardId": "bce8e4e1e66520cb0bc2bf3a0e760412d53273a844bf0931f2b3136a2ee0ada3~1",
      "cardhashid": "CH101",
      "paymentMethod": "401288",
      "product2Description": "NA",
      "pgTransTime": "08/21/2020 17:37:31",
      "txnDate": "2020-08-21 17:37:31.891",
      "productDescription": "NA",
      "splitDetails": [
          "merchantIdentifier": "b6415a6443604ec59644a70c8b25a0f6",
          "merchantAmount": 0,
          "subTransactionId": "ZP59360693d8168_1_1"
          "merchantIdentifier": "b6415a6443604ec59644a70c8b25a0f6",
          "merchantAmount": 1000,
          "subTransactionId": "ZP59360693d8168_1_2"
          "merchantIdentifier": "b6415a6443604ec59644a70c8b25a0f6",
          "merchantAmount": 463,
          "subTransactionId": "ZP59360693d8168_1_3"
  "merchantIdentifier": "b19e8f103bce406cbd3476431b6b7973",
  "txns": [
      "amount": "100",
      "pgTransId": "ZP5ac485746a265",
      "orderId": "ZP-TEST-15915973607990e",
      "paymentMode": "unknown",
      "cardScheme": "NA",
      "cardToken": "NA",
      "responseCode": "1021",
      "bank": "NA",
      "bankid": "NA",
      "doRedirect": "false",
      "responseDescription": "Minimum Transaction Limit is 9 Rupees ",
      "cardId": "NA",
      "cardhashid": "NA",
      "paymentMethod": "Not Found",
      "pgTransTime": "2020-07-08 17:29:45",
      "txnDate": "2020-08-07 17:29:45.8",
      "productDescription": "Testing Transact Basic"